Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Advance data studio and d query function

 =query(data,"select count(A) where A>date'"&H$1&"' and A<date'"&I$1&"' label count(A) ''")

=query(data,"select count(B) where A>date'"&H$1&"' and A<date'"&I$1&"' and B<date'"&I$1&"' label count(B) ''")


=query(data,"select count(B) where A>date'"&H$1&"' and A<date'"&I$1&"' and B<date'"&I$1&"' label count(B) ''")

=QUERY(data,"select count(B) where B<=A and A>date'"&H$1&"' and A<date'"&I$1&"' label count(B) ''")


=query(data,"select count(B) where B>A and B>date'"&H$1&"' and B<date'"&I$1&"' label count(B) ''")*1/24/4

=QUERY(data,"select sum(C) where B>date'"&H$1&"' and B<date'"&I$1&"' label sum(C) ''")


hyperlink(concat("https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2j2QjJfH4IfMYxl6q8dC_G8UnrswYL1v2B_3Mz9B9_j3Hrw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.646173212=",Task ID),"click here")

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Data copy paste on two another sheet with add row in google sheet by script

 function copyDataWithinWorkbook() {   var sourceSheetName = "Dashbord"; // Replace with the name of the source sheet   var target...